Northern Ontario

Cardio drumming for seniors sees rise in popularity in Sudbury


Cardio drumming sees an increase in popularity A cardio drumming class for seniors in Greater Sudbury has become popular– roving that physical activity is important for all ages.

With many looking to incorporate more exercise into their daily routine as part of their New Year’s resolutions, a fitness class offered to seniors in Greater Sudbury is seeing a rise in popularity.

Cardio drumming has been offered at Parkside Older Adult Centre for the last three years and has become increasingly popular.

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Natalie Labbee, Parkside assistant manager and program coordinator, said the class has grown so much that they had to add a third class. Cardio drumming is offered twice a week at Parkside. It is also offered at 111 Larch Street and a satellite program offered by the Walden Seniors’ Group, who see roughly 50 people attend the class.

"Cardio drumming is great because you can do it sitting down or you can do it standing up," said Labbee.

"It's very versatile and you get a lot of cardio activity. You’re using your lower body your upper body at the same time. You know, it's great for your memory, your hand-eye coordination."

Cardio drumming Cardio drumming has been offered at Parkside Older Adult Centre in Greater Sudbury for the last three years and has become increasingly popular. (Amanda Hicks/CTV News Northern Ontario)

The drumming classes at Parkside are often fully booked, Labbee added.

"I think the New Year's a good time to set some new goals for activity," she said.

"Of course, with older adults, we know that socialization and getting active is very important because it helps our mental health or physical health."

Teresa Chiong has been attending cardio drumming classes at Parkside for the last two years and said she loves attending the classes.

"I like everything, the music, the songs, the moment," she said.

"I enjoy every day I come here and also, it improves your mood."

With demographics changing in Sudbury, Labbee said membership sign-ups have been on the rise in general at Parkside, but more so recently with the New Year.

"Our membership is always increasing and especially after the holidays, everyone's got some great goals that they want to achieve," she said.

"At Parkside, you get all of it. You get the socialization, you get the physical activity, and you're just improving your health overall."

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Annelinde Kelly is a fitness instructor at Parkside, she told CTV News that in addition to improved mental and physical health, exercise is beneficial for seniors for the socialization aspect.

"I’ve met so many seniors who have no friends. They've lost a lot of people. Kids are away," she said.

"The movement is all about get you up, get you dressed, get you out of the house, keep you out of the hospitals and have some socialization."

There are almost 90 programs available at Parkside. Details can be found on their website.