Northern Ontario

A look at northern Ont.’s biggest spenders in last year’s municipal election


The deadline for candidates in last year’s municipal election to file financial statements has passed, giving voters an idea of how much political hopefuls spent on their race for office. (File)

The deadline for candidates in last year’s municipal election to file financial statements has passed, giving voters an idea of how much political hopefuls spent on their race for office.

The most expensive campaign in northern Ontario last October was Greater Sudbury’s mayor’s race. Winner Paul Lefebvre spent $69,310.97, out of a total spending limit of $109,005.30.

Lefebvre garnered 26,187 votes, well ahead of Evelyn Dutrisac, the campaign’s biggest spender. Dutrisac, former city councillor in Ward 4, spent $76,217.18 and received 9,094 votes.

Former mayor Brian Bigger, who withdrew from the race before election day, spent $34,266.10 and still received 607 votes.

Third on the list is Miranda Rocca-Circelli, who spent $16,930.10 on her campaign and received 6,651 votes. Former city councillor Mila Wong spent $2,775.85 and attracted 3,002 votes.

The bottom vote getter in Sudbury’s mayoral race, fringe candidate David Popescu, spent nothing on his campaign and still received 83 votes.

In North Bay, Peter Chirico spent $49,005 in his successful campaign for the mayor’s chair. He received 7,579 votes, ahead of Johanne Brousseau, who spent $22,789.83 and garnered 6,855 votes.

Leslie McVeety, who finished third, received 1,121 votes and spent $859.65 – an amount that includes a $600 loan from her parents.

In Sault Ste. Marie, Mayor Mathew Shoemaker spent $55,520.09 on his successful mayoral campaign and received 9,626 votes. Donna Hilsinger spent $30,761.41 and received 4,047 votes, while Robert Peace spent $ 8,800.41, receiving support from 2,007 voters.

And Tobin Kearn spent $3,223.35 and got 665 votes.

Ozzie Grandinetti, who received 5,417 votes and finished second in the mayor’s race, did not yet have his financial information posted online Tuesday afternoon.

In Timmins, officials said they have received financial statements from candidates by the March 28 deadline and details will be posted online soon.