With the federal election now underway, you may need to check an electoral map to find out what riding you’re in so you can properly cast your vote.
Redistributed ridings in the area feature a number of new ridings in the London region, along with some rejigged ridings.
One of the biggest changes is the new riding of Middlesex-London, replacing Lambton-Kent-Middlesex. It forms an upside down U shape around the city of London, taking in the north side of London and a number of small towns and First Nations communities in Middlesex.

Middlesex County Warden, Brian Ropp says he hopes the new configuration - and the riding’s future MP - can address major concerns like housing and infrastructure.

“I don’t want to lose that connection with the province and with the federal government on the need for money, for funding, for infrastructure on their platform of having more housing. If there’s a lot of strain on local municipalities, the city and the county, including, to get this done,” said Ropp.

Aina DeViet is Mayor of Middlesex Centre, which borders the city of London. She says she believes the new Middlesex London riding is a better fit for her constituency than the previous Lambton-Kent-Middlesex riding.
“Our previous riding extended right over to Sarnia Lambton, Dawn Euphemia, and down to Chatham-Kent. So really, this is Middlesex. This is where we live. When we talk to people here, then we’re going to get the same sort of issues top of mind. So, I think it’s a good thing,” she said.
Meanwhile, the new London Centre riding replaces London North Centre, taking in Old South, but losing ground to the north.

London West loses voters north of Fanshawe Park Road and in Old South.

London Fanshawe changes slightly, also losing areas north of Fanshawe Park Road.

And the new riding of Elgin-St. Thomas-London South includes parts of London, takes in St. Thomas, and spans the length of Elgin County.

From high-rises and new housing, to farmland and roundabouts- the new ridings serve up a mix of geography and demographics.
Western University political scientist Sam Routley says the divide between rural and urban could be the difference between who gains and who stands to lose the most.
“Some people who might belong to a community or an interest that is fully represented in the neighbouring riding, that they just happen to live on the wrong side of the street,” explained Routley.