Another piece of London’s bus rapid transit network (BRT) has gone from concept to reality.
The first rapid transit station is being assembled along the East London Link corridor at Ontario and King Streets.
Since arriving on Tuesday, the key component in the future BRT Network has been rapidly assembled.
“Over the next few weeks, we’ll be adding fiber, electrical, and other amenities," said Jennie Dann, director of construction and infrastructure services for the City of London.
But why the rush? After all, BRT is a long way from its 2027 completion date.
As it turns out, the city views the new eastbound Ontario at King Station as a test run.
“It is, like we mentioned, kind of the pilot,” shared Ardian Spahiu, the project manager overseeing the installation of all 45 stations.

Spahiu expects as many as a dozen of them will be completed by the end of this year. He estimates each one has a price tag in the neighbourhood of $250,000.
All will have some big city transit amenities, including arrival/departure signage and more seating.
But CTV News London asked a key question yet to be answered — Will the new stations be heated in winter?
Dann says the answer is trending toward “Yes” for some high-passenger volume stops.
“We have future-proofed all of the shelters to be able to accommodate heating. We have identified some along the corridors where there is potentially a longer wait time.”
Spahiu said the new stations will also be equipped with 24/7 security to protect from frequent vandalism seen at existing transit shelters.
“We want to be monitoring these to minimize as much damage as possible," he said.
Earlier, Dann confirmed the BRT downtown loop and a section of bus-only lanes on King Street will be semi-operational this year, using existing buses.

“If you’re wondering when buses will start using this first shelter, we’re targeting the fall to see a bit more transit activity along the east London link corridor.”
But it will be 2027 before London’s new fleet of modern extended Rapid Transit buses are in use along the entire BRT Network.
It will encompass the Downtown Loop, East London Link, and the Wellington Gateway.
The city opted not to build BRT corridors in west and north London.