London, Ont. — In the battle against COVID-19 hand sanitizer bottles have been flying off store shelves and at times there have been shortages.
Non-profit organizations like the London Food Bank, Unity Project and Ronald McDonald House Southwestern Ontario use hand sanitizer daily.
“We want everybody at every moment to stop, wash their hands, “ says Tracey Keighley-Clarke, the CEO at Ronald McDonald House Southwestern Ontario. “We still have a number of families staying here with us at Ronald McDonald House. They're in treatment or care at Children's Hospital.”
The groups are being helped with a donation from Food Safety Alliance, a London company that provides cleaning products to food processing plants.
“Hand sanitizer was actually not a business we were in prior to this, so once we saw the need we tried to figure out any way we could help," says owner Adam Brock.
Brock approached one of his customers for help. Parallel 49 Brewing Company out of British Columbia normally makes beer but that changed a couple of weeks ago.
“So we were able to provide the raw goods, they were able to blend it and package it and send it back to us,” says Brock. “So, it was kind of neat - the relationship between customer and supplier.”
Brock says they just received their latest shipment of tall boy hand sanitizer cans this week and are busy distributing the product.