London, Ont. — With people staying home this Easter weekend many may be looking to get some spring cleaning done. But if you do, refrain from donating what you don’t want right now.
Amidst COVID-19, numerous charitable organizations are increasingly worried about overflowing donations boxes like several spotted in south London by CTV News.
At one, a notice is posted advising people not to give.
With fears about the transmission of the virus, many donation bins have been taped off for weeks, but still - some people - try to use them.
The risk is clearly evident at a donation bin along Pond Mills Road.
It is taped off with a notice stating the contractor who normally services it, is in COVID-19 isolation.
On Thursday, The Salvation Army joined the plea for the practice of dumping items during the pandemic to stop. It says it is a health hazard to the public.
Further, Lt.-Col. John P. Murray say he fears donations will be desperately needed once COVID-19 subsides and the economic fallout hits hard.
“The need for affordable clothing and items for the house will be very high in the days, weeks, and months ahead,” he says.
“In the meantime, we are urging Canadians to please set aside their donations and bring them to a Salvation Army Thrift Store, welcome centre or donation bin - when we are safely able to reopen our facilities."