
Person seen fleeing the scene of core trailer fire


The remnants of a trailer fire that broke out in downtown London, March 14, 2025 (Sean Irvine/CTV News London)

Investigators say that one person fled a core-area trailer fire moments before London firefighters arrived.

The blaze broke out shortly after 3:00 a.m. on Friday, in the back parking lot of a property on Horton Street just east of Richmond.

No one was hurt, and the fire was knocked down quickly.

However, an investigator told CTV News that there was evidence of people living rough inside the steel trailer.

031425_trailer fire London The remnants of a trailer fire that broke out in downtown London, March 14, 2025 (Sean Irvine/CTV News London)

Cooking pots and candles were found.

A damage estimate exceeds $10,000.

The cause is listed as undetermined.