
'I'm not coming in with a pre-written agenda': Acting LHSC boss contends he’ll listen first


New boss coming to LHSC The long-time president and CEO of Windsor Regional Hospital will start his new position at LHSC on Thursday. CTV's Sean Irvine reports.

A hospital executive parachuted into London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is countering claims he already has a plan.

David Musyj takes over as acting president and CEO of LHSC Thursday.

“I’m not coming in with a pre-written agenda or with pre-written instructions on a road map to deal with day-to-day issues,” he said.

Instead Musyj, the long-time president and CEO of Windsor Regional Hospital, confirmed he was directly recruited by the board of directors of LHSC.

He says they asked for his help to bring “strength” to the role.

“[They asked] Am I possibly interested in doing this to help LHSC create some stability moving forward?” said Musyj,

LHSC has gone through several years of turmoil in its executive leadership.

Its last permanent leader, Jackie Schleifer Taylor, took a leave of absence shortly after a London Free Press story raised questions about executive travel spending.

She had replaced Paul Woods who was let go from his role after traveling outside of Canada during the pandemic.

Musyj responded to the LHSC’s past with a comparison to other centres.

“The issues LHSC, some of the bigger issues, be it health human resources, be it even executive leadership, they are not alone in respect to that.”

While Musyj acknowledged he is a leader who “gets things done,” he contends he won’t act without input from all levels including his senior clinical team.

He told CTV News he has setup over 100 meetings. Among those invited doctors, nurses unions, community groups and patients.

He’ll have the same five questions for all of them

  1. What does LHSC do well?
  2. What doesn’t it do well?
  3. What should it start doing?
  4. What should it stop doing?
  5. Any general advice they have for me?

And to back up his plan, Musyj said he intends to implement a rare trait in executives

His cell phone number will be public within a few weeks. It is a practice he kept in Windsor.

“Every single patient had my phone number.”

While direct with most answers, Musyj would not give a timeline for his stay in London.

But he confirmed he will not accept the top hospital job permanently.

“I’m here. I plan on staying here for as long as I am needed. And when I am no longer needed, I’ll leave.”