The Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU) has issued a Cold Alert for Monday, and overnight into Tuesday morning.
Temperatures are expected to drop to -16 C and wind chill values to -25 C. While temperatures are anticipated to warm up slightly Wednesday, cold weather is still forecasted throughout the week, and conditions may still meet the Cold Weather Alert threshold.
Cold Weather Alerts issued when any of the following conditions are met:
- Environment and Climate Change Canada forecasts a low temperature of –15 C or lower,
- Environment and Climate Change Canada forecasts a wind chill of -20 or lower, or if
- Environment and Climate Change Canada issues a “Cold Alert” or “Cold Warning.”
Tips for cold weather events
- Stay in heated buildings as much as possible
- Dress appropriately when going outside (multiple layers, toques, mittens)
- Drink warm fluids but avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages
- Avoid strenuous exercise while in the cold
If you need somewhere warm to go, the City of London has a list of warming centres as well as Middlesex County libraries.