
Bear hunt game goes viral to help kids pass time during COVID-19 pandemic


A teddy bear is seen in the window of a home in London, U.K. (Daniele Hamamdjian / CTV News)

TORONTO — As many parents are discovering, it’s not easy explaining to children why they are no longer able to go to school, the local library, or to play with friends at the park.

So to beat the boredom in places where full lockdown measures are not yet imposed, one idea to keep kids occupied as they go for walks with their family has sprung up and gone viral.

It’s unclear who exactly started the “Going on a bear hunt” game, but the simple idea to go searching for plush teddy bears in the windows of homes has taken off in communities all over the world, including in London, England.

Photos posted to Twitter show Canadians following the trend as well, including some in Ottawa and Calgary.

Nicole Bogaert from Watford, Ont., shared an image of her home’s windows filled with a teddy bear and artwork with positive messages about physical distancing.

Watford teddy bear A teddy bear sits in the window of a home in Watford, Ont. (Nicole Boegart)

Bear hunts are also popping up in neighbourhoods across the U.S.

A Facebook page dedicated to sharing a variety of activities to do with children called “Covid-19 Isolation Ideas” also put a call out encouraging adults to participate in ‘going on a bear hunt’ with their kids.

The game is believed to have been inspired by the Michael Rosen children’s book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.’ is introducing a new series of uplifting stories as the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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