
Doug Ford to speak as provincial and municipal leaders meet for virtual AMO conference


Government leaders hold virtual conference From CTV Kitchener's Tegan Versolatto: Government leaders are meeting online as the Association of Municipalities of Ontario goes virtual.

TORONTO — The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is holding a virtual conference online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and will feature discussions and workshops about how municipalities can begin to recover from the outbreak's economic ravages.

Ten provincial cabinet ministers will participate in a forum on "supporting community well-being."

They include Health Minister Christine Elliott and Education Minister Stephen Lecce.

AMO has at times clashed with the provincial government during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying last month that emergency funds haven't flowed to municipalities quickly enough.

They pointed the finger at "federal-provincial wrangling about how to share the costs."

Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic tweeted on Monday they would be discussing a number of topics including two-way Go Transit, COVID-19 economic recovery and splash pads.

He ended his tweet with a call of support for Region of Waterloo Chair Karen Redman who is currently running for AMO president.

AMO is a non-profit organization made up of Ontario’s 444 municipalities. The President leads the board of directors to set the organization’s direction and adopt its policies and priorities.

Elections will take place a virtual conference from August 17-19. The term for President of AMO will be from 2020-2022.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 17, 2020.