KITCHENER — Donations are pouring in for the 130 men who were displaced by the fire at the Inn of Waterloo earlier this week.
Community members have donated clothes and toiletries to those staying in the temporary shelter where the fire occurred.
"I sent out an email yesterday asking for clothing for the men that lost everything in the fire at the Waterloo Inn and things really exploded," said Karen Dixon with Emmanuel United Church.
The fire happened on Tuesday night in the tower operating as a temporary shelter through House of Friendship. Then men staying in the spaces lost their belongings.
"I can't imagine what it would be like to lose what you have and, what items you do have left, not knowing what state they're going to be in," said Const. Reid Pridham with the Waterloo regional police's community resource unit.
Pridham and his team reached out to the church to help organize the donation drive. There was also a call on social media for donations. Thousands of items were dropped off within 24 hours.
"I'm just shocked," Dixon said. "I've gotten phone calls from the U.S. and from Hamilton from people wanting to donate. It's amazing, I don't know how it all happened."
"At this point we can't accept any more items, expect for very specific items that you can find on our website," said John Neufeld with House of Friendship. "But, quite honestly, the best way to help right now would be to make a financial donation."
Neufeld said the small acts of kindness have gone a long way for those in need.
"They know how much care and love the community has for them and they're incredibly appreciative of it," he said.