
Cancer support centre seeking new home for supplies after fire at Waterloo hotel


Cancer support centre searching for new home From CTV Kitchener: The Hope Spring Cancer Support Centre is trying to find a new home following a fire at The Inn of Waterloo.

KITCHENER — The HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre is in the midst of finding a new home for their supplies because of the same fire that displaced a men's shelter at The Inn of Waterloo.

The fire happened Tuesday night in a tower that was being used as a temporary shelter through the House of Friendship.

Hope Springs helps cancer patients with wardrobes, wigs, and counselling as they prepare for and undergo treatment.

Much of the centre's supplies were being stored at the hotel.

"I rushed to the Inn of Waterloo as fast as I could and got in there and tried to remove as many of the wigs and camisoles and resources that we knew, especially for the days following the fire" said Shawn Hlowatzki, the president of HopeSpring's board of directors.

"There are people going in for surgery who are expecting significant amounts of hair."

HopeSpring is now dealing with items that may have been damaged by smoke.