
What will and won't be open as Jasper residents return home on Friday


Jasperites can go home Friday Officials announced Monday that Jasper residents can return home starting Friday. Nav Sangha has the latest.

Officials shared more information on Monday afternoon about what services residents can expect to see when they return to Jasper on Friday.

People will be able to return to the townsite from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday when Highway 16 is open to traffic.

  • Complete coverage of the 2024 Alberta wildfire season

Residents have already been warned that utilities may not be available in all neighbourhoods, and they will have to make their own decisions about whether to live in their homes at this time.

Evacuation centres will remain open in Edmonton, Calgary and Grande Prairie.

Here's what else residents can expect for services.

Continuing care residents

Residents in continuing care facilities won't be returning home on Friday, Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver told reporters on Monday.

"At this time, all continuing care residents will be kept in alternative locations until the fire is under control and there is limited risk of residents having to be evacuated again," he said.

"The most vulnerable and complex need residents will be invited to return home as soon as their needs can be accommodated, and there are people working actively on that."

Health and emergency services

Work is currently underway to get health services back up in Jasper.

Jasper Emergency Services Building, July 26 Jasper Emergency Services Building, July 26. (Source: Parks Canada)

"Emergency services and EMS are scheduled to be open on Friday," McIver said.

"The priority is bringing the emergency department online and developing a staffing plan to support that."

Mental health

Anyone who needs support during the return can contact 211 at any time.

"It's our 24 hours a day, seven day a week crisis line, and can refer you to community and mental health supports near you," McIver said.


McIver says municipal and provincial officials are currently working to understand the housing needs of those in Jasper.

Jasper wildfire aftermath Geikie Street in Jasper, Alta. on July 31, 2024. (Source: Parks Canada)

"The municipality of Jasper has launched a housing needs assessment survey," he said. "If you have not filled out that survey yet please do, even if you're told your house is in good condition, we need as much information as possible about what Jasper residence needs are."

He says the survey will help determine who needs housing, and if anyone in the community is able to open their home to a resident who lost one.


Owners and operators of critical retail like gas stations, pharmacies and grocery stores have been in the community since last week to get their operations up and running.


McIver says all children in Jasper will be able to return to school in September, but even though the town schools are still standing, students will be in classrooms outside the town.

An assessment of the school buildings found there is smoke and ash inside, and remediation work is needed before the buildings are safe for students.

École Desrochers and Jasper Junior/High School École Desrochers and Jasper Junior/High School, July 26, 2024 (Source: Parks Canada)

"We are working with other school authorities like Hinton and Edmonton to provide options for Jasper students to attend at the start of this school year," he said.

"Local school authorities will determine a timeline for when it will be safe for everyone to return to a school in Jasper and provide more information at a future date."

Court services

The Alberta Court of Justice in Jasper remains closed. McIver says cases that were supposed to be heard in Jasper will be moved to Hinton.

Visitor services

While visitors will be able to return to Jasper on Friday, officials are discouraging them from doing so as there are currently no accommodations or other amenities available in the community.

"To be clear this opening date is not an open invitation for visitors," McIver said.

"Jasper wants visitors to come when there is a place for those visitors to be entertained and spend their money."

"Jasperites need the time right now, just in the space to settle back into their homes."