
Owen Hart Foundation marks a quarter-century with Jerry Seinfeld shows


Owen Hart Foundation marks a quarter-century The Owen Hart Foundation marks 25 years with Jerry Seinfeld performing two shows. Martha Hart speaks with CTV Calgary about it.

Jerry Seinfeld returns to Calgary on Saturday, Nov. 16, for two shows at the Jubilee Auditorium, and a local charity will reap the rewards.

Seinfeld is appearing on behalf of the Owen Hart Foundation, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

"It's a nice reflection of Owen's giving spirit and a really wonderful legacy for him," says Martha Hart, whose husband Owen died in a wrestling accident in 1999.

Funds from the foundation support a broad range of causes: scholarships, food drives, backpack giveaways to needy students and even foreign aid.

"We really love to help kids and struggling families, and of course our mandate is education, but we can fit a lot under that umbrella," Hart says.

The charity also has an online auction as part of its fundraising efforts at