
Meet the Calgary artist who specializes in custom grillz



If you think your smile is missing something, a Calgary artist is creating custom jewelry that covers your teeth.

Calgary artist Phil Nguyen makes all kinds of jewellery and art, but says grillz are his bread and butter.

It’s something he’s been passionate about since high school.

“It took me a full year to figure it out, a lot of trail and error,” he said.

“There wasn’t really a way online that you can research and find information, so I made – I don’t even know – 50, 60, 70 pieces. (I was) trying it on, making another one, casting another one, trying it on, until one day it just clicked and then I was like, ‘Okay, I think I got something here.’”

Now he sells custom grillz out of his studio YungMetalSyndicate.

Nguyen says fit is key because the grill has to stay in place and can’t rub against the gums.

“I talked to a lot of different dentists and a lot of different grill makers worldwide,” he said. “And it all depends on the mold. If you get a really good mold (of a client’s teeth), that’s the most important part, because if you don’t get a good mold, it won’t fit right.”

Nguyen uses silver and ten karat gold for his grillz, which cost $220 per tooth for silver and $350 a tooth for 10k gold.

A complete upper and lower set can hit $3,000 and up.

Nguyen says he hasn’t found any other artists in Calgary doing similar work.

“I think it’s definitely a small, underground niche that’s kind of bubbling up,” he said. “It’s always been around, but now I think mainstream people are getting more designs and different technologies to approach this type of art form.”

People who wear grillz are able to talk and drink with them in, but are advised not to eat while wearing them because food can become trapped in the metal.

“Crooked teeth are really good for grillz,” Nguyen says. “They have more curvature for the grill to hold on, so sometimes it’s a way better fit than if it’s completely straight (teeth).”

Jai de Jesus has known Nguyen since high school, and was one of his first customers.

“It’s a two-piece and basically I just wanted a flower design, simple flower and got some green enamel to fill the petals,” he said. “Then the inside part is hollow so a really cool abstract flower going on.”

When he’s wearing his grill, de Jesus says he feels unique and confident.

The reactions he gets vary depending on the crowd he’s in.

“If it’s people around my age or younger, they think it’s the most insane, craziest piece, and they really love it,” he said. “But every time I pull up to a family event my parents and my grandparents say, ‘Uou have to clean your teeth, there’s something in there.’”

Ryan Trabadello owns a vintage clothing store called Portal that sits above Nguyen’s studio.

He’s getting a sword on his custom grill.

“I gave him some creative freedom,” he said. “(Nguyen) gave me a casting of my teeth and I kind of showed him where I want it.”

Though Nguyen is just finishing up the grill, Trabadello says he’s is already thinking of other designs he wants done next.

“I have the sword and then maybe get a little shield or a little fireball,” he said. “I think it would be cool to have lots of different items, and then I could get another one and swap it out and wear this one this day and another that day.”

Nguyen says he and Trabadello have created quite a community with their complementing businesses, one that is inspiring fresh artistic perspectives.

“My other friends have different skill sets. We all have different things that we’re good at,” he said. “And when we come together, I feel we can make big waves. It takes a village, right? So I think all of us being here together will pushing each other to help us grow.”