The University of Lethbridge wants the community to spend Family Day at play.
The university is offering a free play day at its Centre for Sport and Wellness on Monday, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The bug-themed event will feature creepy crawly activity zones where families can engage in fort building, rock climbing, swimming, basketball and soccer.
The university’s Destination Exploration team, Let’s Talk Science, iGEM and Building Brains Together will also offer educational, brain-building activities that challenge and inspire everyone in the family.
“It’s become a southern Alberta tradition we’re proud to host each Family Day,” said University of Lethbridge vice-president of external relations Kathy Greenwood.

“It’s great to have an opportunity to welcome people to the university, (and to) have them see and experience the outstanding facilities we have here,” she added. “More than anything, it’s just so much fun to have all that energy in the building.”
Bring a swimsuit, gym shoes, comfortable clothing and a sense of discovery.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Lethbridge area, the Helen Schuler Nature Centre is hosting a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as access to the nature reserve where they have the option to “Choose Your Own Adventure” along the trails.
Visitors will discover signs that highlight local wildlife and answer a question which will determine which trail you take.
“Family Day is a wonderful opportunity to get outside and enjoy time together in the river valley,” says Jessica Deacon-Rogers with the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. “For families looking for a smaller event, participating in the Outdoor Adventure Activities in the Nature Reserve is a fun way to spend time together.”
If it looks like more of an inside day, families can explore the Nature Centre’s two exhibits, Water Ways and The Power of Play.
Water Ways is a hands-on exhibit designed to teach guests about the Lethbridge watershed, rivers, reservoirs and how individual choices can impact water at both a local and global level.
The Power of Play is an interactive exhibit that encourages everyone to add a little more play to their day.
For more about the University of Lethbridge events, go here.
For more about Family Day at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre, go here.