
City hall decides on $28M payment to cover loss of photo radar


Calgary city councillors have voted unanimously to use a city fund to make up for a big shortfall in photo radar ticket revenue.

Calgary city councillors have voted unanimously to use a city fund to make up for a big shortfall in photo radar ticket revenue.

After the province severely limited the places where photo radar can be used, Calgary police projected fine revenue would fall by about $28 million this year.

Council voted 12-0 to fund the shortfall through its fiscal stability reserve for this year and work with the police commission for a different approach next year and beyond.

Police say the shortfall would have meant not filling 28 new police officer positions and postponing filling another 33 vacant officer positions.

It would also have meant freezing civilian hiring.

Police are now applying to the province for exemptions to allow more photo radar locations in high-collision areas.