
57 residents set to be displaced as Blood Tribe apartment building shuts down


An apartment building on the Blood Tribe reserve is being shut down due to health violations. The move will leave 57 residents displaced.

The Ninastako apartment housing complex just south of Red Crow College is more than 100 years old.

It was originally the St. Paul’s residential school before being turned into an apartment building in the 1990s.

But its 57 residents will soon need a new place to live.

Blood Tribe apartment building shuttered; 57 displaced An apartment building on the Blood Tribe reserve is being shut down due to health violations. The move will leave 57 residents displaced.

Eighteen health code violations have been found at the site, prompting the shutdown.

The main issues are water leaks and a lack of proper heating.

Residents were informed of the shutdown on Feb. 18.

The building is expected to be completely vacated by March 31.

In a public notice, the Blood Tribe said, “Chief and council take the health and welfare of our members seriously.”

The Blood Tribe wasn’t able to say how many residents are still in the building.

Multiple departments across the Blood Tribe are working to relocate residents.

Residents are also being encouraged to apply for housing through the Blood Tribe Housing Authority.

An update on the plans for the soon-to-be-vacated building will be provided after the March 31 move-out deadline.

In a statement to CTV News, the federal government said while it provides financial and advisory supports on housing, all decisions involving properties on reserve lands rest with First Nations.

The provincial government has not provided a comment.