
Has tipping culture gone too far and how much do you tip? We want to hear from you


A tip is entered on a digital payment device, Wednesday, July 25, 2018 in Montreal. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

Are you fed up with tipping culture in Canada? Most Canadians are, according to one survey from Angus Reid.

Workers who receive tips are typically not paid very high salaries — usually minimum wage or slightly more — and thus rely on tips to support themselves financially. However, tipping prompts now commonly appear in places they didn't before, and people have noticed the suggested gratuity amounts seem to be getting bigger and bigger. wants to hear from Canadians who have opinions on tipping and can offer examples of situations where they think things may have gone too far.

Has tipping culture gotten out of hand? How much do you tip on average? How does tipping culture in Canada compare to other countries? Should Canada get rid of tipping? Where do you draw the line when it comes to tipping someone? Does it make a difference what service they provide?

Share your story by emailing us at with your name, location and phone number in case we want to follow up. Your comments may be used in a story.