The emergency department at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) is making it easier for patients with minor colds, flu symptoms, COVID-19 and RSV to receive care through its highly successful minor injury online booking system and new Pink Zone treatment area.
To decrease overall wait times for patients and prevent emergency department (ED) overcrowding at the busiest times, this program diverts patients with a minor ailment such as a sprain, strain, or potential simple fracture to an arm or leg from the ED to book same or next day appointments.
“Something we’re very proud of,” said RVH Chief of Staff Dr. Jeff Tyberg. “Our emergency department team and our research team combined to see if there was a sub-set of patients that could safely schedule the time for their arrival.”
“This isn’t for people with chest pain or stroke, this is for people with less serious illnesses. They are screened and than given a scheduled time to arrive, that allows patient wait to be decreased and also allows the team to focus as well, on the patients that are more urgent.
So it makes the emergency department work more efficiently and give patients a better experience,“ added Dr. Tyberg.
Complete information on the program, and online booking for same-day or next-day arrival in the Pink Zone to be assessed and treated for minor injuries or conditions is available online.