
Midland Ont. resident takes snow sculpting to new heights


Midland snow carver Pat Brodeur created a ship with a Kraken in his backyard.

One Midland resident is taking snow sculpting to new heights with the creation of his half-sunken ship under attack by a Kraken.

Pat Brodeur, the artist behind the snowy masterpiece began the project on Dec. 10, shortly after the region’s first snowfall. He just wrapped up his creation earlier this week.

“It’s a lot of work. You don’t need to go to the gym, that’s for sure,” Brodeur said.

Snow sculpture Pat Brodeur created a sunken ship under attack from a Kraken out of snow in his yard in Midland, Ont. - Jan. 15, 2025 (CTV News/Chris Garry)

Brodeur builds his sculpture by accumulating snow from each snowfall and building it into a ramp.

“Every time it thawed and rained, it turned the snow into ice, which made a pretty strong structure,” he shared.

Once he’s piles enough snow, he carves out the details using a shovel.

Snow sculpture Pat Brodeur created a sunken ship under attack from a Kraken out of snow in his yard in Midland, Ont. - Jan. 15, 2025 (CTV News/Chris Garry)

The finished sculpture is approximately 50-feet long and 20-feet tall.

To gather enough snow, Brodeur says he collects from his neighbours’ yards and driveways—benefitting both him and his surrounding community.

The Midland resident says this is his third sculpture in five years.

Snow sculpture Pat Brodeur created a sunken ship under attack from a Kraken out of snow in his yard in Midland, Ont. - Jan. 15, 2025 (CTV News/Chris Garry)

Inside the snow ship, he’s added a unique feature—a fire pit. “We get to come inside the boat, have a fire, and look at the Kraken,” he said.

While Brodeur hopes the sculpture will last, he fears the rain could quickly wash it away.