
Driver facing impaired charges after getting stuck in snowbank


A driver is facing charges for impaired driving after getting stuck in a snowbank in Severn Twp., Ont., on Sat., Feb 1, 2025 (Source: OPP/Supplied)

A traffic complaint about a vehicle getting stuck in a snowbank Saturday evening in Severn Township led to the driver getting arrested and charged with multiple impaired driving offences.

According to Orillia OPP, officers were dispatched to the traffic complaint just before 8:30 p.m. on Gloucester Road near Vasey Road.

Police say the witness believed the driver was showing signs of intoxication and officers began an impaired driving investigation upon arriving at the scene.

The 23-year-old driver from Sudbury was subsequently arrested and brought back to the Orillia detachment. They were charged with operation while impaired, driving a vehicle with an open container of liquor and failure to comply with demand.

The accused is scheduled for a future court date in Orillia. Their licence was suspended for 90 days and their vehicle was impounded for seven days.