
Barrie council exploring red light cameras to curb dangerous driving



Barrie city council approves a motion to have staff investigate the feasibility of installing red-light cameras.

Barrie city councillors are considering bringing red light cameras to local intersections in an effort to crack down on reckless driving. Council voted in favour of investigating the idea brought forward by Ward 9 Councillor Sergio Morales.

"People are sick and tired of seeing people on the road treating red lights as if they are yellow lights," Morales said. “Nobody wants to get to this point, nobody wanted to, but it’s overdue.”

Red light cameras operate similarly to the city’s photo radar cameras, which capture speeding vehicles, only these cameras snap pictures of vehicles entering intersections after the light has turned red.

Morales emphasized the initiative is not about generating revenue but about deterring dangerous driving.

“This isn’t running a long yellow,” he said. “This isn’t even like the light turns red once you are basically three quarters of the way. This is very specifically - you are still outside of the intersection when it is red - and you make that selfish decision to continue.”

The number of cameras and the cost of fines are yet to be determined. Council has directed staff to investigate the feasibility, costs, and potential locations for the cameras. A report is expected to be presented within six months.