
Baby en route



A baby was born in a car on the side of Highway 12 in Ramara Township early Tuesday morning.

Early Tuesday morning, Xiaoxue Chen and Pablo Petraco were on their way to the hospital along Highway 12 near Concession Road 10 in Ramara Township when their new baby decided it had waited long enough.

The almost-new parents called police for an assist and Orillia Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers flew into action. But when police showed up, the healthy baby girl had already been born in the car.

OPP and members of the Ramara fire department stayed with Chen and Petraco until both Ramara and Simcoe Muskoka Emergency Services arrived on scene. Mom and baby were eventually transferred to a local hospital.

Police say Chen, Petraco, son Wolf, and his new sister Raven, are all in good spirits.