Nova Scotia

Tiny dancer: Maritime girl to represent Canada at Dance World Cup finals


A nine-year-old with big dreams is getting set to represent Canada on the world stage in Spain

A little girl with big dreams is getting set to represent Canada on the world stage this summer.

Nine-year-old Taya Tucker has been dancing since she was in diapers.

“I started in the mommy-and-me class with my mom and I just really liked it and I kept going,” said Taya.

Her mother, Sally Tucker, says the tiny dancer works hard at everything she does.

“She has this drive to figure out the details of everything, which helps in school and in dance. She’ll go home from the studio and really work on whatever they give her,” said Sally.

Taya’s favourite part about dance is that she gets to meet new people and visit new places, including Spain this summer. She’ll be competing at the Dance World Cup finals, along with dancers from around the world between the ages of four and 25.

“Every year there is a Dance World Cup, it’s kind of like a mini-Olympics,” said Sally.

“Super proud of her. I think getting selected for the World Cup team, to me, makes sense. I think she deserves it, same as the other amazing dancers.”

Dancer Taya Tucker is pictured on Feb. 25, 2025.
Taya Tucker Dancer Taya Tucker is pictured on Feb. 25, 2025.

Taya is already practising for the competition.

“I have five dances and then the rest of the time we’ll be exploring around Spain and I’m really excited to explore and go outside of Canada,” said Taya.

The Dance World Cup finals will take place in Burgos, Spain from July 3 to July 12.

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