Nova Scotia

Police say high-risk offender residing in Dartmouth, N.S.


Police are advising the public about a high-risk offender residing in Dartmouth, N.S.

A high-risk offender serving a two-year sentence for child pornography charges is residing in Dartmouth, N.S., police say.

George Durling, 57, received statutory release at the Jamieson Community Correctional Centre, according to a news release from Halifax Regional Police.

Durling was convicted on charges of:

-three counts printing or publishing child pornography

-distribution of child pornography

-harassing communication and indecent communication

-two counts of failure to comply with a probation order

Police say the offences happened in the Truro and Maitland areas. Durling was known to text and call random numbers with sexually explicit content.

Durling also served three years probation for a sexual assault in Manitoba in 1992, 18 months probation for an assault in Truro in 2019 and one year probation for an indecent act in Truro in 2022.

According to the news release, Durling’s release conditions limit him from being around children under the age of 16. He cannot use or possess any device with access to the internet and cannot consume alcohol.

“This information is provided to alert members of the public of his presence in the community and is not intended to encourage any form of vigilante activity or other unreasonable conduct,” the release says.

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