
New Brunswick’s premier tests positive for COVID-19


N.B. premier tests positive for COVID-19 The N.B. premier has tested positive for COVID-19 as the province marks its highest single-day case increase to date. Laura Lyall reports.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs has confirmed he has tested positive for COVID-19. The premier says he has had all three of his COVID-19 vaccinations and says his symptoms are mild.

“Several days ago, I came down with a cold, what seemed to be cold symptoms,” Higgs said Friday during a virtual COVID-19 update. “Wednesday morning I did the test, and it came back positive. Now I’ll be getting a PCR test.”

Higgs said he and his family are isolating and doing well.

“I have a bit of a cough, I have a sore throat, some head congestion, and the symptoms are very much like having a cold,” he added.

Higgs said he has been able to continue working virtually.

“We’ve heard positive reports about this particular variant. It can be a little milder, particularly for those who are fully vaccinated. I’d like to think that I am a demonstration of that, and even though I can be contagious to others, at this point I would say the vaccines are certainly working,” said Higgs.

“I encourage everyone who is eligible to get your vaccine and your booster as soon as you possibly can.”