New Brunswick's Horizon Health Network is trying to find replacements for four sexual assault nurse examiners who have resigned in recent days.
The resignations come after Premier Blaine Higgs criticized health-care staff when an alleged sexual assault victim was turned away from the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton and was told to come back the next day.
Two of the nurses who resigned were in Fredericton and two others worked in the Upper River Valley.
"Look, that's a very, very sensitive issue and I know that it was brought up but the opposition and the premier spoke to it, and it's very difficult on both sides," said New Brunswick's Health Minister Bruce Fitch.
"Unfortunately, people decided to quit. Now we're doing strong work in trying to recruit, trying to actually bring retired nurses back to the facilities, and there's actually a bonus for referral, and again, part of that whole recruitment is to relieve some of the stress that people are under."
Paula Doucet, the president of the New Brunswick Nurses Union, said, "The resignation of these nurses is an unfortunate loss that will affect the health-care system and New Brunswickers."