Nova Scotia RCMP arrested a woman for impaired driving at a business in Lower Sackville on New Year’s Day.
Officers responded to a report of a possible impaired driver at a business on Sackville Drive around 3:23 p.m. Wednesday.
The caller reported the driver of a Hyundai Sonata had bumped into the building and was falling asleep behind the wheel, according to a news release from the RCMP.
“An officer was in the drive-thru line ahead of this vehicle, and, with other responding officers, determined that the driver was impaired by alcohol,” reads the release.
A 28-year-old woman from Middle Sackville, N.S., was arrested for impaired operation of a motor vehicle. Police say she later provided breath samples of 340mg% and 360mg%, which are more than four times the legal limit.
The woman was released from custody to the care of a family member and is scheduled to appear in Dartmouth provincial court on March 17.