The future of ice sports at a popular Maritime rink is in question.
The Lake District Recreation Association (LDRA), which owns the Sackville Arena in Lower Sackville, N.S., says the organization won’t be able to put ice in for the coming season. The organization points to a lack of commitment to provide funding from the Halifax Regional Municipality.
Allan Smith, president of LDRA, says the city has helped fund the facility for the past five years. However, even with that support, the arena isn’t profitable.
“The city is asking us to provide a service for them, but they don’t want to pay for it,” said Smith.
“The service is providing ice for Sackville Minor Hockey. They provide ice for minor hockey in Bedford, in Fall River, in Cole Harbour, all over HRM, but not here. They want to collect the Sackville tax dollars, but they don’t want to pay for the service.”
In an email to CTV News, Halifax Regional Municipality spokesperson Laura Wright said the city’s five-year agreement with LDRA to provide $50,000 in funding per year to support the Sackville Arena expired in the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
“Prior to the expiration of the previous agreement, municipal staff reached out to LDRA to discuss a new agreement but received no reply before the expiration of the previous agreement,” said Wright.
Smith says he has asked the municipality to continue to work with the association to keep ice at the arena. He adds, time is running out.
“They say we’ll get to it next month, we’ll get to it next month. Well, that’s been going on for seven months. I think they’re hoping we put the ice in and they don’t have to pay. Not happening,” said Smith.
In an email to CTV News Tuesday, Paul Russell, councillor for District 15, said the decision was “entirely made by the LDRA.”
“Earlier today the LDRA issued a statement that they would not be putting ice in the Sackville Arena,” said Russell in the email.
“The statement that they issued has come as a surprise.”
Russell says the Sackville Arena is owned and operated by the LDRA, which is an independent non-profit organization.
“HRM has been working with the LDRA in order to provide some additional funding for the organization. HRM is continuing to work towards the additional funding, even though the LDRA has issued their statement today,” said Russell.
“HRM appreciates the work that the LDRA has done and continues to do to help provide recreation opportunities for Lower Sackville and the surrounding area.”
The arena, which Smith says has been in the community for 50 years, is used for lacrosse in the summer and hockey in the winter.
“Kids aren’t playing hockey this year. The high schools aren’t playing hockey, the minor hockey is not playing hockey, the ringette is gone, everything, finished,” said Smith.
According to Wright, Russell presented a motion in June to “explore another contribution agreement with LDRA,” which would begin in 2024-2025 and staff are currently working on it.
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