
Deaf couple volunteers at World Juniors: 'I can do what anyone else can'


Deaf couple offers helping hands Deaf couple - Lori Fraser and Andrew Brown - are encouraging others to become valuable volunteers.

It may have wrapped up a week ago Monday, but the experience of volunteering at the World Junior Hockey Championship is something Lori Fraser and her husband Andrew Brown will never forget.

The deaf couple from Riverview, N.B., greeted spectators at the entrance of the Avenir Centre and handed out stickers, foam fingers and programs.

Fraser said she got the idea when a work email circulated saying the International Ice Hockey Federation was looking for volunteers.

She replied by asking if they accept the deaf and if her husband and children Heather and Daniel could volunteer too.

The whole family was accepted a few days before the tournament began -- much to the surprise and joy of Andrew.

Originally from the Halifax area, Fraser grew up volunteering with several different organizations.

"I was raised believing that just because I'm deaf that doesn't mean I can't do anything," said Fraser using sign language through interpreter Erin Oliver.

"I've always believed that I can do what anyone else can do except for hear. There's times where Andrew would be a little more reluctant and he's a little more shy, or a little more reserved where I have that confidence because I've already had that world-life experience."

Both said it was a positive experience especially when fans found out they were deaf and discovered they were more than capable of doing something like this.

"Because this is the first time Moncton has seen an event like this, it was something that was really exciting to be a part of because this was the first time the World Juniors were here in Moncton at all. So we were really excited to be part of that fandom," said Brown, using Oliver as an interpreter.

Heather was unable to volunteer because of studying commitments at university but 17-year-old Daniel helped by sticking close by and answering any questions fans had for them.

Their children are CODA, meaning Children of Deaf Adults.

Fraser and Brown stressed their children can be a big help with interpreting but they are not dependent on either of them.

"He said he thought it was a very enjoyable experience. It was a great, very exciting time," said Brown. "We wanted to draw a distinct boundary that we are not relying on Daniel to be our interpreter but at the same time he fills in any communication needs that may happen last minute."

There's a sense of pride for volunteering at one of the biggest events in the city's history and the couple hopes other deaf people will be encouraged by what they did.

"Don't be shy for other deaf people. We're encouraging to just join the hearing world. There's so many experiences out there for you to have if you're willing to bridge the gap between both worlds," said Fraser.

The couple is not sure when or where they will volunteer together next but they definitely plan on doing it again.