One of the oldest high schools in the Maritimes is marking a massive milestone, and alumni from all over the world are coming back to their alma mater to celebrate the anniversary.
Sydney Academy first opened its doors 175 years ago. It’s gone through six buildings, with the most recent one being built in 1959.
Some walked the halls nearly 70 years ago.
"We had a lot of fun,” said former student Shirley Robson. “I think we had great teachers. I really enjoyed my high school."
"It's amazing,” said former student Curtis MacFadgen. “But there's so many (things) that are missing. That's the sad part of it."
Decade’s worth of history was on display as past students and faculty returned to share memories.
"I loved Grade 10, I loved Grade 11, and Grade 12,” said former student Anne Johnstone. “I loved the teachers, I loved all the social aspects. I played badminton and I went to all the dances and sock hops."
"Feels very strange, very good as well,” said former student Robert Watson. “There are a number of people I've known here for 53 years – I haven't seen them for 53 years."
Sunday wrapped up the four days of celebrations. Organizers say attendance was beyond expectations.
"We had over 600 people at our dinner last night,” said Leanne Mombourquette from the class of 1975. “Over 900 people at our variety show on Friday evening, all former grads."
As far back as Confederation, Sydney Academy has had a reputation for turning out high achievers. It’s a tradition still going strong today.
"We have a wonderful debating team, IB program – such a rich history,” said Mombourquette. “Anywhere you go, you can find someone who graduated from Sydney Academy."
The former Wildcats say though much has changed through life, there are a few things that will always remain the same.
"I think the people have stayed the same,” said Robson. “I come home every year, and it's a great place to come back to."
"It was a wonderful school, it still is a wonderful school," said Watson.
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Ryan MacDonald.